How to Cut with a Chainsaw?

How to Cut with a Chainsaw

Be mindful of what you are doing, whether you want to remove a tree for its firewood or if it is blocking your view and posing a danger to your home in case of a storm. For small to medium trees, any person can cut them with a chainsaw and protective equipment; but you must keep certain points in mind before cutting down a larger one.

To safely fall a tree, you need the appropriate tools, preparation, and an organized process. Take your time. Plan carefully. Break it down.

What is Chainsaw?

Chainsaws are portable tools powered by gas or electricity designed to cut large wood pieces such as trees and logs.

How to Cut with a Chainsaw in 10 Simple Steps?

Step 1: Assess Your Workspace

To ensure an efficient experience:

  1. Familiarise yourself with your workspace.
  2. Make a note of escape routes should a tree start to collapse unexpectedly; chainsaws have long been associated with risks related to use.
  3. Plan your work and know the terrain well!

Step 2: Get Yourself and Tool Ready.

Wear all of your equipment from head to toe and make sure the saw chain is properly tensioned; too little tension could mean being able to pull away from its guide without it disengaging from its nose or guide; to prevent injuries, you should tighten up its tension; you can find instructions in the maintenance manual of your machine for how best to tighten it and use the screwdriver/wrench that came with it when tightening. A properly tightened chain should give when pulled on while disengaging from its guide without disengaging completely.

Step 3: Store depth gauges.

Before turning on any gas-powered machine, ensure adequate fuel levels and refill the tank. With 2-cycle engines, mixing gas and oil may be required before starting; manufacturers often recommend adding two-stroke engine oil in the ratio of 50:1, or 2.6 ounces of oil per gallon).

Step 4: Engage Your Chain Brake.

To engage the chain brake, lay your chainsaw on its bottom surface with its bottom flat and horizontal. Push in on the chain brake lever until it locks – these are usually separate levers located between the handle and blade that stop its chain from rotating until released by throttle application or released manually by you.

Step 5: Choke and Prime the Saw. 

To assemble a saw powered by gas, open its choke and press four or six times on its primer button until gas enters its carburetor; turn on its power switch after each press; otherwise, you can start an electric chainsaw by pressing both safety button and power switch simultaneously.

Step 6: Pull and secure the starter handle to start your saw.

Those using electric chainsaws may skip directly to step 7. With gas chainsaws, however, you must place your foot through the rear handle before weighting it with your left foot; while your right hand pulls out to its full extent the starter cord to start it. It typically takes four or five pulls before your engine will engage properly – and adjust your choke if it still does not.

Step 7 – Prepare Yourself for Cutting

When the engine starts up, its chain won’t move automatically; to make it move, you must push either throttle or trigger to move it. Ensure that both feet are planted firmly on the ground with a saw in a firm grip while cutting with a saw at an angled position on one side to minimize kickback injury risks.

STEP 8: Start cutting.

Once you are ready to cut, release the chain brake and place your saw over where you would like it cut. Do not apply pressure as momentum from both blade and chain will pull wood into the saw – never force! Be mindful when using an electric cord saw; try not to allow its cord to obstruct your work.

STEP 9: Complete Your Cutting.

Engage and maintain a firm grip on the throttle throughout each cut; release only when cutting through wood or removing the blade (if making cuts for the felling tree).

Step 10: Switch Off The Saw.

Shut off your saw and allow it to cool before storing it away.

Before storing your gas saw, it is necessary to plan how to dispose of unused fuel in its tank. You may leave this amount for up to four weeks if you plan to use your chainsaw again soon – any longer may cause its carburetor to clog due to ethanol build-up in its structure. Take your chainsaw into a well-ventilated area and empty any excess into plastic containers before refueling your saw with new gasoline.


This is how you can cut with a chainsaw. These simple and straightforward tips will help you to cut trees or logs effectively. I hope you like this article. stay tuned for more chainsaw-related articles.

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